Invitation to become a supporting member of the Choir
From its formation in 1971, the Audite Nova Choir has played an active role in the cultural life of the Zug region. A significant contribution to financing its concerts is made by a circle of loyal supporters, who are part of the overall Audite Nova family.
The role of supporting members
With both their non-material and financial contributions, supporting members help to make possible the varied concert activities of the choir, details of which can be found in >Past Events.
How are the contributions used?
Financial contributions are used exclusively for choir activities. In addition to bearing the costs of engaging professional orchestras and soloists for its concerts, the choir supports the training of young singers, as well as programmes to develop the vocal skills of the choir members.
What do we offer the family of Audite Nova supporters?
In addition to the satisfaction of contributing to the cultural life of young and old in the Zug region, supporting members benefit from invitations to special events, advance ticket sales, and advance information regarding concerts that are in high demand, as well as individual mention in concert programmes.
What is the annual subscription for supporting members?
Individuals: CHF 100
Couples: CHF 150
Corporate members: CHF 500
We would be pleased to receive your application
via Internet: >Contact Form
by post: you can download the Application for Supporting Membership and send it to the address noted on the form.
Can one support the Audite Nova Choir without being a supporting member?
Every form of support is welcome, of course, whether financial or non-material. All supporters belong to the circle of friends who receive current information about the choir’s activities via the Newsletter.
The Newsletter can be ordered under > Subscribe to the Newsletter.
Our bank details:
Zuger Kantonalbank
CH97 0078 7000 0705 8690 1
Account in the name of Chor Audite Nova Zug
> Application for Supporting Membership
Bank details:
Zuger Kantonalbank
CH97 0078 7000 0705 8690 1