Audite Nova

J.S. Bach: Mass in B minor
– postponed concert dates

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The preparation of the ambitious programme for the World Choir Games in Riga demanded more time than originally planned.  However, the major effort and commitment of all concerned were amply rewarded by the Audite Nova Choir’s success in this competition!  Further details can be found in the news article of 5.8.14, “Gold and silver from the European Capital of Culture 2014” (in German).

Regrettably, the extensive rehearsal time needed for the Riga programme came at the expense of the preparation for the Mass in B minor.  Consequently, in order to ensure performances of this work to the Audite Nova Choir’s usual standards, it was decided – with the agreement of the soloists and orchestra – to postpone the planned performances to September, 2015.  Apart from the new concert dates there are no changes to the programme.

The good news: the Audite Nova Choir will provide a first impression of the great Mass in B minor on November 23, 2014 at a concert for Totensonntag (Sunday of the Dead) in St. Jacob’s Church, Cham.  The concert will open with the Cantata “Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme”, BWV 140, composed by Johan Sebastian Bach for Totensonntag.  The cantata will be followed by the Missa of 1733, BWV 232a, a missa brevis, which was later to provide the foundation (Kyrie and Gloria) of the Mass in B minor.  Happily, this concert also features the Capriccio Baroque Orchestra and the outstanding soloists – including Nuria Rial – who will be performing in the Mass in B minor.  Further information about the November 23, 2014 concert can be found under “Events”.

New concert dates for the Mass in B minor:

Saturday, September 19. 2015, 20.00
Sunday, September 20. 2015, 17.00
St. Jacob’s Church, Cham

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